


日時:2024年10月26日(土) 10:25~17:30 
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7丁目3−1



10:25 開会のあいさつ

10:30~11:15 嶋田英晴(同志社大学)




11:20~12:05 蓼沼理絵子


サラゴサのR.Bahya ben Asher(1255-1340)の『シュルハン・シェル・アルバ(四脚の食卓)』は、その名のとおり「食」から道徳と倫理を説く。荒れ野に降ったマナや過越し祭のマツァを含め、パンはすべての食事と生活の基本であり、卓上の食事と作法は世界の秩序を表す。ゆえに、定められた食事は正しい知識の摂取であり、救済の約束につながる。このパンの祝福と表象から、R.Bahyaの説く「食卓」とその世界観を考察する。

12:05~13:30 休憩

13:30~14:15 大澤耕史(中京大学)



14:20~15:05 李美奈(東京大学大学院)



15:10~15:55 加藤哲平(九州大学)



15:55~16:15 休憩

16:15~17:30 講演:Jonathan Meir(Ben Gurion University of the Negev)

Historiography, Hasidism, and Forgery: The Case of the Kherson Geniza (On the Historiography of Habad and the Early Hasidic Movement)

In 1918, with the end of the First World War, rumours spread that a huge collection of original writings by the founder of Hasidism, Israel Baal Shem Tov, his disciples, and their followers had been discovered in Kherson. This was major news, as very few known texts by him exist—only a few letters. What prevents modern scholars from uncovering the mystery of these texts’ authenticity? Why are Hasidim still not ready to present these documents to the wider public? What is the significance of these letters in the history of Hasidism?

The lecture aims to highlight the uniqueness of Habad historiography as a case study of historical document forgery, the reinforcement of internal Hasidic consciousness, and the attempts to create a Hasidic modern literary channel in response to the secular neo-Hasidic literature of the early 20th century.



Jonatan Meir is a full Professor in the Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and a Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He serves as a JSPS fellow for 2024-2025 at the University of Tokyo.

Meir has composed seven monographs, edited various anthologies, produced several critical editions, and published over 100 articles. Among the books he has written or edited are included –Imagined Hasidism: The Anti-Hasidic Writings of Joseph Perl (Mossad Bialik, 2014); Joseph Perl, Sefer Megale Temirin, annotated edition in 2 volumes (Mossad Bialik, 2014); Kabbalistic Circles in Jerusalem, 1896-1948 (Brill, Aries Book Series, 2016); Literary Hasidism: The Life and Works of Michael Levi Rodkinson (Syracuse University Press, 2016); Habad Hasidism: History, Theology and Image (Zalman Shazar Press, 2016); Gershom Scholem, History of the Sabbatian Movement (Schocken, 2018); Gershom Scholem and the Research of Sabbatianism (Schocken Institute, 2021); Three Lectures on Bratslav Hasidism, Schocken Institute 2024); Three Lectures on Habad Hasidism (Schocken Institute 2024); Wrestling with the Esoteric: Three Lectures on Yehuda Leib Ashlag and 20th Century Kabbalah (Schocken Institute 2024)