2021年11月28日(日)14:00~15:30(記念講演会)/ 07:00~08:30(ISRAEL TIME)
*15:30~16:30(設立総会・設立発起人) *設立総会の時間変更の可能性有
●講演者:Prof. Phillip Isaac Ackerman-Lieberman
(Vanderbilt University)
題目: ”From the Sunrise in the East to Sunset in the West: The Rise of the Mediterranean Jewish Community and Its Connections to Babylonia"
要旨 : ”My current book is about the development of long-distance trade in the Medieval Mediterranean, and in this book I argue that the "Islamic commercial revolution" was actually in the 11th-12th C instead of with the rise of Islam, as other scholars such as Henri Pirenne have argued. Since Dr. Ashur has made the general topic networking, I could talk about networking between East and West--the presence of Iraqi and Persian Jews in North Africa and the effect that the migration of these Jews had on the North African community. This would complement other lectures that you might have that would focus on the Maghribis, who represent a network tying the West (Tunisia/Morocco) to Egypt.”
講演時間:60分 Q&A:30分 使用言語:英語・通訳無し